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Mally 101 Easy Peasy Tunes


On taking up a musical instrument, it is only natural for the beginner to want to reap some rewards as quickly as possible. After all, music is for the enjoyment of the player, as well as the listener. Dave Mallinson has compiled this book to give beginners and novices an accessible source of easy tunes. These easy, but interesting, tunes will give enormous pleasure to both player and listener. Only 14 notes are required to play all 101 tunes, which are suitable for all melody instruments. As an extra learning aid, a soundtrack containing all 101 tunes has been specially prepared by Mally playing melodeon, accompanied by Alistair Russell on guitar. Dave Mallinson has been known as Mally since his first day at school. He has been involved in music since the age of nine when he learned to play the recorder. In his mid teens he played the pop music of the era on guitar, but his interest was always little more than half-hearted. In his late teens he discovered folk music but still the guitar was unable to inspire him. At the age of twenty two, Mally discovered the melodeon and immediately felt the musical stimulation he had unconsciously been seeking for many years. Practice was no longer a chore, it was his favourite occupation, an addiction even. Although starting late in life makes virtuoso status unattainable, it is still possible to reach a good standard. Mally, through lengthy practice, hard work and dogged determination, has managed to achieve a high level of competence and has become a well respected player. However, his constant struggle to maintain his skill makes his days as a beginner never seem far away. He is well able to recognise, and is very much aware of, the problems and difficulties facing beginners and novices. During the early days of learning a musical instrument, many budding musicians fall by the wayside. They soon tire of playing the same half dozen tunes over and over again and, because they are unable to find other suitable melodies to sustain their interest, they drop out. To prevent boredom getting the upper hand, it is necessary to quickly build up a reasonably sized repertoire. Mally has identified 101 simple, but interesting, tunes and presents them here to increase your chances of success. This book will help you quickly boost your repertoire and give you many hours of enjoyment in the process.

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